A long song called Yalguun saikhan (not really sure about the title) performed at the inauguration of a monument dedicated to a horse in October 2008. I'd rather see trees being planted or something like that instead of the proliferation of monuments in the last few years.... *sighs* Oh, well......

Photo by Tsogkhuu
You should watch Lu Zhang's 'Hyazgar', this involves a Nomadic man in South-Mongolia where the steppe is "eaten" by desertification, he sees it as his duty to plant trees eventough they never grow in sand.
Good movie, I like slow-paced cinema like this. Although the story is not about desertification, it's worth to watch!
I have heard about that movie, haven't seen it though. The situation in Inner Mongolia is pretty difficult. And In Mongolia desertification is a big problem too, I see it every time I visit, more and more sand.....
Yes this is very scary!
I only mentioned it because you said you wanted to see more trees being planted in stead of ("useless") statues. - so hasn't to do much with your post, sorry.
It's a big problem, desertification. (http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/desertification-in-inner-mongo).
I always think about the Mongolian Gobi Bear...Once they lived in normal steppes, but now the last ones die in the harsh desertificated climate.
Scary to think what will happen...impossible to stop the progress of desertification, I think??
Actually, it is possible if not to stop, at least to slow down desertification. There are trees and bushes that grow in the desert, like the saksaul tree. Their roots prevent erosion and help stop the movement of the sand.
Yes, I'd rather see more money spent on reforestation projects and education....
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